Managing Director, Brandsymbol

Daniel is a veteran global healthcare brand consultant with over 27 years of experience in building exceptional brand value through the development of successful brand names for the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device industries. He has led agency and client teams in the development, testing and regulatory submission and approval of over 200 brands.

Daniel’s specialties include leadership in global brand name development, market research (medication error name safety and brand preference testing), generic/nonproprietary (USAN/INN) name development and consulting, clinical trial branding, medical device brand name development, brand strategy, visual branding, and global regulatory consulting. Daniel has lead the agency team in the development, testing and regulatory submission of over 200 brands such as Opdivo, Sotyktu, Lexapro, Eliquis, Ozempic, and Zegerid.

Brandsymbol is a global pharmaceutical branding agency. As branding veterans, our agency is laser-focused on delivering an exceptional client experience from day one. Our clients agree that smart strategy, greater creativity, more options, unparalleled testing, and deeper validation leads to better brand solutions. Don’t just name your drug, empower it. Navigate complex naming challenges with our proven i4 Methodology, combining scientific rigor with human-centered creativity. We deliver strategically sound, globally approved names (FDA, EMA, MHRA, H.C., etc.) that resonate with patients and drive commercial success.

Our Services: