President, Innovaito, LLC

Dr. DJ Nag is the President of Innovaito, an IP strategy advisory company. He serves as an independent board member at Crown Electrokinetics Inc (NASDAQ: CRKN). He was invited to join the National Science Foundation (NSF) as an expert in IP and technology transfer. DJ successfully led technology transfer offices at Rutgers University, Ohio State and University of Nebraska. He was a Director at Ocean Tomo, a company that created patent auctions. He has received the IAM300 award for being one of the 300 global IP strategists in 2019 and 2022-24. DJ was on the Board of AUTM FROM 2012-14. He is widely recognized as one of the top IP strategists and has worked in Poland, Bulgaria, Japan, India, Turkey, Brazil, South Korea, Chile and Ukraine. He teaches IP strategy as a Professor of Practice at Rutgers University; ITQB NOVA and Sofia University, Bulgaria. He holds a Ph.D. and MBA from UNL and BS in pharmaceutical engineering from Jadavpur University, India.